Open sourcing the module system: A designer challenge

Time is an important tool at POC21. We just have five weeks to build a Proof Of Concept of or multi-modular cargo bike with solar and pedal power. To be more efficient in our work we decided to organize an open designer session. All the product designers where invited to a massive brainstorm session to finalize the cargo bike module system. We gave three user stories and showed them the restraints they would need to solve. At the same time we gave a first test to our community we are slowly building on facebook and twitter. This is the result:



#1 watertight
#2 600 x 400 m base
#3 wood / aluminium materials
#4 usability / openness of the design
#5 easy to DIY
#6 easily stackable
#7 Modularity

story 3 story 2 story 1

For the designers, we gave them a set of restraints and in 5 hours they found us a working system. For them we need to build an aluminium frame where the side panels in wood can be taken out to open the box and make it more modular. Inside, there will be a big plate with standard holes on the base so you can change the structure of the inside at any time with your own design. They also gave us 5 formats for the boxes that can easily be stacked on each other with a belt system.

5 Formats

600 x 400 x 350
600 x 400 x 175
300 x 400 x 350
300 x 400 x 175
300 x 400 x 90

lego boxes

At the same time we connected with some great people like Eric Poscher who shared us his open source cnc boxes that are based on a really nice system. Other people posted all kind of different boxes on the facebook page . We are looking at all those possibilities and we hope to show you the concept as soon as possible.

If you have any other ideas, share it with us, and become part of a new cargo bike builders community with the open source philosophy in mind!

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